Some of my projects

A Full stack web application developed to perform simple CRUD operations and save it to the database using MongoJs.
A user can add ,delete or update the tasks(without Auth) and is visible to all the users.

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A Node based web app developed to accept votes and produce the results in real-time from the Database mantained by MongoDB. *Chart.js is used to serve the purpose of showcasing the data to the users in a very interactive manner.

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A Node based web app developed to let the user register for our system and then Create,Update or Delete his/her own blog posts.
Made on Express framework, this app authenticates the users using Passport.js and BCrypt.js

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JWT Auth

MEAN based web app developed to Authenticate a user to grant access to a protected route
Json Web Tokens are used to authenticate the user and the token is saved to the local storage for further attempts as well.

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2FA web Module

A Node based web app developed to enable 2-factor Authentication using MessageBird and Node-Mailer.
A user registers on our website and a Verification otp/link is sent to his/her mobile number or email id(as provided) to verify the user.

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Twitch Clone

A React based web application that replicates a very popular streaming platform (especially for gamers) called Twitch.
Built with JSON-Server, the app also includes live streaming using OBS. I have used RTMP server for two way data transfer while streaming.

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Youtube Clone

A React based app that is a clone of YouTube. It includes various features similar to youtube like searching for videos / creators.
I am working more on this project to add live streaming and user authentication. Once done, it can be used with any 3rd party API for data control as well.

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E-Commerce App

This web app was made for one of the university projects that includes everything required to start a business in the field of E-commerce using Node and Express.
Payment integration is included using Stripe API. All the transactions are stored in MongoDB. This project also includes Agile Development documentation for every sprint.

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